Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Cirque Du Phenomenes

It's a concept like "six degrees of separation" except it involves the ever-present three rings of strange characters converging in a swirling vortex around the periphery of one's acquaintances. These entities weave in and out of near collision with my daily life like the powdered-wig dainties of the eighteenth century at a grand ball of insanity and desperation. Taunting and flirting with each other as they cross paths just outside my social circle, they could come swinging by at any moment threatening to look me straight in the eye but never actually connect. These voyeuristic vampires circle me, feeding off stray drops of imagination and excitement but never have the nerve to enter my direct line of sight. The freaks want attention, but they are afraid to ask for it. So they dance, and they dance, hoping to be noticed indirectly, but so terrified of being seen. I know that they are there. I see who they dance with. I know the game. I know the secret.


LilBiGrrl said...
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Jason's Psyche said...

oops - I accidentally deleted this:

Love the post, but the title has already been taken... well, singlularly speaking that is, and if ya'll have been reading my blog and know much about teen literature, than you'll know with whom I've been dancing, ergo, your post title caught my attention. But I digress, wow, can I relate.


Tynk's Blog

Jason's Psyche said...

Hmmm - although there is no copyright on a title, I'd prefer to be unique. Here's a new title - better.

We read your blog. I can't say we follow teen authors so much, but now that we have a clue... [wink]

Anyway, this little piece was inspired by the strange people who seem to walk up to Jason at the strangest times in public and start very bizarre conversations. It's kind of eerie and cosmic, but also freaky. We were talking about John Malkovich for some reason (he was in something we watched recently) and I kept remembering those dances from Strange Liasions. Also, I keep seeing circus references in everyone else's horror stuff we've been seeing - so anyway, it all came together in this strange idea to describe the phenomenon.

LilBiGrrl said...

Even better title, I think it works more so than "freaks"! I know what you mean, happens to me all the time, it's why I refuse to ride public transportation or (at this point) go to a movie alone - the whole place (or bus) could be empty and one person will get on (or come in) and sit right next to me and proceed to tell me the most odd things, of which, I really have no interest. It must be in our pheromones or something!

Funny, though, that you picked that title.

I'm off for a weekend in NYC tomorrow, with "wink, wink", tried to email ML to let him know I'll have a free hour or so and see if he wants to get drinks at my hotel but have yet to hear from him. Oh, well! Wish I had his number!


Jason's Psyche said...

I don't get the same flavor of strange encounters - mine always seem to be women who swear they know me from somewhere else. But, I guess sometimes I know people before I meet them. Strange.

Have fun in NY!